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Predicted Grades


For a full explanation of how the predicted grade process works in the Diploma Programme, click here.


How accurate are we?

Recently, Academigo did an analysis of the predicted grades of 70 schools around the world. This was an analysis of the predicted grades sent to the IB in April, not universities predicted grades which are done much earlier in the school year with not nearly as much data to base our judgments. 


The 70 schools represent a wide range of programs, from well established to relatively new, from large enrollment to small. The sample includes schools from Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, U.S., Canada, and elsewhere. All of the schools participated in the May 2017 exams, and all had results in each of the last five years.


In their combined sample of 70 schools over five years, they had 143,874 scores from 207 different subjects


Academigo notes that, "predictions for course subjects are tricky. Accuracy depends on knowing how students are capable of performing, as well as their motivation to perform their best. For some students, IB scores will not change their university admissions, so motivation may not be as high as we would like when they sit their exams."


Please see below that for the most recent exam session, GWA was above the 70 school average. 




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