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GWA Senior School Counselors perform a dual role of both personal/emotional counseling as well as comprehensive university advising.  Students can refer themselves, at anytime, to their counselor so that they can find support, guidance and, in some cases, more intensive intervention for emerging mental health issues.  Parents, teaching staff as well as the friends of GWA students can also inform the counseling staff-in a highly confidential manner-of a student that they feel would benefit from talking with their counselor.


GWA students come from approximately 90 different nationalities and thus tend to apply to many different universities around the world.  Counselors guide students and parents through the entire university admissions and application process, focusing their efforts with grade 12’s in the fall and then turning their attention to grade 11’s in the spring.


You can click here to access the GWA counselor’s website where you can find more information about what counselors do both for personal counseling and university advising.

University Counselling

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